ILRF'24 Programme & Activities

Below you may find the program of the ILRF'24 (Malaysia time). Kindly refer to the venue if you decide to come physically.
The Library Life-Size Foosball Challenge will be open physically from 9:00 AM to 4:40 PM (26 - 27 Nov 2024).

Pre-Workshop | 25 Nov 2024, Monday
10:00AM - 11:00AM
Building an Engaging Online Course: Discover, Design, Deliver
Speaker: Ts. Marsyitah Ismail
Venue: ICE Training Room (2.09)
11:00AM - 12:00AM
Using Articulate Storyline 360 to create Immersive Experience for your learning activities
Speaker: Razman Shah Mohd Razali

Day 1 | 26 Nov 2024, Tuesday
9:00AM - 9:10AM
Speaker: Assoc Prof Dr Heethal Jaiprakash
9:10AM - 9:40AM
Launching & Talk
Speaker: Prof Emerita Datuk Dr Asma Ismail
9:50AM - 10:20AM
Live competition
Briefing & Assign scenario
Venue: Seminar room 8 (4.07)
10:50AM - 1:00PM
e-Inovasi Presentations & Demonstration
Microlearning competition
Micro credential
Mobile apps competition
11:30AM - 1:00PM
Live competition
Develop phase
2:15PM - 4:15PM
Game: Life-Size Foosball Challenge
Organiser: Library
2:15PM - 4:15PM
Live competition presentation & demonstration
4:30PM - 5:00PM
Live competition award

Day 2 | 27 Nov 2024, Wednesday
9:00AM - 11:00AM
e-Inovasi Presentations & Demonstration
Learning Experience
11:10AM - 12:10PM
Special Talks
Title: Unlocking Potential AI Integration: Revolutionizing Learning Experiences
Speaker: Mr Pang Sern Yong, Prof. Ts. Dr. Rusli Abdullah
12:15PM - 12:35PM
Enhancing Medical Education with "Teaching Cases" & Flipped Classroom Methods
Speaker: Yara Hazouri
12:40PM - 1:10PM
Managing Digital Information
Title: A hybrid Approach by Integrating AI, Human Insight, Immersion, and Innovation
Speaker: Tuan Haji Mohamed Isahan
2:00PM - 4:00PM
eLearning Award Judging
4:10PM - 4:30PM
eLearning Licence
Pin + cert

Day 3 | 28 Nov 2024, Thursday
9:00AM - 10:00AM
Fireside Chat
Title: Ethics of AI in Assessment
Speaker: Prof Ts Dr Aida binti Mustapha, Prof Dr Rose Alinda
10:10AM - 11:25AM
Title: Futuristic Visions: Shaping Tomorrow's World with Human-AI Integration
Speaker: Dr Emily Rush, Dr S. Sukunesan
11:30PM - 1:00PM
Award Ceremony: Announcement of activities’ winners through Live Session & LRF website
E-Inovasi (5 categories + best poster)
Best presentation
Library winners
1:00PM - 1:30PM
Immersive Technologies and AI for Healthcare
Speaker: Mr Johan Donough