Our Speakers

Mr. Pang Sern Yong
Founder of ChatGPT Malaysia Community
Special Talks: Unlocking Potential AI Integration:  Revolutionizing Learning Experiences
Date: 27 Nov 2024 (11:10AM - 12:10PM)
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Pang Sern Yong, an HRD Certified Trainer with a degree in Communication Studies, and additional certifications from the government-led Al Untuk Rakyat programme, is a renowned speaker and thought leader in applying Al tools, particularly ChatGPT, in business and communication contexts. Based in Kuala Lumpur, Pang is notable for founding the ChatGPT Malaysia Community, which boasts over 17,000 members, and authoring "ChatGPT - A Guide for Introverts", a pioneering guidebook in Malaysia. With a background in running a video marketing agency in Singapore, Pang has worked with high-profile clients such as Changi Airport Group, HSBC, and Unilever. His insights have garnered substantial online impact, achieving over 60,000 Linkedin impressions in just three months, and he's a regular speaker on platforms like BFM 89.9 and The Star. Pang excels as a trainer, leading webinars and training sessions on integrating Al tools into professional workflows. He has trained over 4,000 professionals from various industries, including ACCA, German Malaysian Institute, Lion Property Group, QR Retail Automation, and Media Prima Bhd. His trainings are acclaimed for their clarity and effectiveness, underlining his commitment to empowering others with Al technology.
Prof. Ts. Dr. Rusli Abdullah
Senator member ofUniversiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Special Talks: Unlocking Potential AI Integration:  Revolutionizing Learning Experiences
Date: 27 Nov 2024 (11:10AM - 12:10PM)
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Professor Ts Dr Ruslibin Haji Abdullah a Senator member of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) rightnow. He is attached at Software Engineering and Information System Departmentcurrently, as well as the former Dean of Faculty of Computer Science and InformationTechnology (CSIT), UPM. Specialized in Software Engineering and KnowledgeManagement that he has completed his PhD in Computer Science at UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia in 2006. Starting his career as alecturer since 1996, after served as System Analyst for 8 years at UPM. He haspublished over 14 books and more than over 160 journal papers, conferencepublications and other academic research publications especially in Scopus withh-index is 18 currently. Furthermore, he has also been published the articlesin Malaysian newspapers such as Berita Harian and Harian Metro with regards toEmerging Technologies and Its application like Smart Agriculture, MySejahteraApplication, ChatGPT System application, and Youth Digital Hub. He has alsoreceived numerous awards and recognitions throughout his career that includesSilver Medal for University Research Invention in 2008 and 2009, Gold Medal forUniversity Research Invention 2005, Silver Medal for Invention of Technologyand Exposition I-TEX (2009), Silver Medal for Malaysian Research Invention andExposition – MTE (2010, 2012 & 2014) as well as Certification of UniversityExcellent Services based on Lecturer Services for many years since 1999 up tonow. In the context of administrative environment, he has been appointed asHead of Lab for Institute of Software Development, UPM in 2007, Deputy of ChiefInformation Officer for IDeC, UPM in an early of 2008, and Head of InformationSystem Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty(FKSTM), at the end of year 2008. He was become a Deputy Dean of KSKTM, UPMfrom 2009 to 2014. In the years of 2018 to 2019, he was appointed as DeputyDean of School of Graduate Studies (SGS) UPM. And then, the most recent, he wasappointed as the Dean of FSKTM, UPM since 2019 until 2021. His experience inthe field has made him to be selected as a keynote speaker for severalconferences includes International Putra InnoCreative in Teaching andLearning(i-PicTL 2021) International Symposium of Environmental andOccupational Health (ISEOH2020), International Webinar on Digital SeminarSeries#3(2020), The First International Conference on Computer Science and ItsApplication in Agriculture (ICOSICA 2020), Knowledge Management International Conference2018 (KMICE2018), International Conference on Artificial Intelligence andEvolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems (ICAEES-2014), Noorul IslamUniversity, India in 2014, 12th WSEAS International Conference on SoftwareEngineering, Parallel and Distributed System (SEPAD’13), University ofCambridge, United Kingdom in 2013 and Malaysia Software Engineering Conference(Mysec2013). He is part of the Technical Advisory Group of UPM StudentInformation System from 2009 to 2012 and currently as a committee member ofMalaysia Software Engineering Interest Group (MySiG) that he has been appointedsince 2007. Along of his service, he has been received more than over 12research and collaboration grants as principal investigator (PI) at Nationallevel such as from MOHE, MOSTI and MDeC as well as at the International Levelsuch from Japan University. On top of that, he had also gotten some tasks ofconsultation from international universities and local industries in helpingthem such as Saudi Arabia universities to evaluate their staff for promotion,and Malaysian IT Development Council (MDeC) respectively. Besides that, he hasserved as journal editor board as well as journal reviewer at national leveland international level respectively. Furthermore, he also been involved as achairman as well as a committee member for many conferences at national andinternational levels.
Prof. Ts. Dr. Aida Mustapha
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) at Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)
Fireside Chat: Ethics of AI in Assessment
Date: 28 Nov 2024 (9:00AM - 10:00AM)
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Aida Mustapha received her B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Michigan Technological University, Masters of Computer Science from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from Universiti Putra Malaysia. At present, she is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research &Innovation) at Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA). She isalso the lead trainer for Akademi Intelek dan Data Analitik (AI.DA),responsible for Microsoft professional certification programs for both students, academics, and industry partners. She has published more than 400 refereed publications in the area of Soft Computing, Data Mining, Computational Linguistics and Software Agents. Her main passion is pursuing the area of natural language studies and application of natural language processing to holytexts, in particular the Quran. She is also the Chief Editor for Journal of Quranic Sciences and Research, Member of ISO/TC 204 Intelligent Transport Systems, Member of Malaysia Board of Technologist, and Member of International Association of Counselors and Therapists.
Prof. (Rtd) Dr. Rose Alinda
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) at Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)
Fireside Chat: Ethics of AI in Assessment
Date: 28 Nov 2024 (9:00AM - 10:00AM)
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Prof. Dr. Rose Alindais a distinguished academic leader and expert in Information Systems with over35 years of experience in higher education. She is the Founding President ofthe Malaysia Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (established in2014) and was elected as an APM Fellow in 2020. Prof. Dr. Alinda served asSecretary-General of the Academy of Professors Malaysia from 2021 to 2023. Sheled the development of the Malaysia National Artificial Intelligence Roadmap(2021-2025). Currently a Senior Professor (Grade A VK05) at the University ofTechnology Malaysia (UTM), she has held significant academic administrativeroles, including Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & Internationalization).Her expertise encompasses Analytical Skills, Computer Science, InformationSystems, Knowledge Management, and Business Intelligence.
Dr. Emily Rush
Interim Co-Chair of the AI and Education Special Interest Group affiliated with the POD Network
Forum: Futuristic Visions: Shaping Tomorrow's World with Human-AI Integration
Date: 28 Nov 2024 (10:10AM - 11:10AM)
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EmilyRush, PhD, is an experienced university-level educator and instructionaldesigner, leveraging over ten years of expertise in higher education to deliverdynamic learning experiences. Passionate about the intersection of technologyand education, particularly the potential of generative AI to transformteaching and learning, Emily is the team lead for AI development at RushUniversity.At Rush,Emily shapes AI policies, empowers faculty through training, and contributes toAI research in teaching and learning. As the university's representative on theCommittee for Responsible Use of AI, she bridges academic perspectives withdiverse stakeholders across the hospital system.Emily'sleadership extends beyond her institution; she founded the ID and AI in HigherEducation community and serves as interim Co-Chair of the AI and EducationSpecial Interest Group affiliated with the POD Network. Through these roles,she actively contributes to the discourse on AI's transformative potential inhigher education, working to shape the future of teaching and learning in thedigital age.
Dr Hamza Aoun
Assistant Manager at Casio Middle East
Forum: Futuristic Visions: Shaping Tomorrow's World with Human-AI Integration
Date: 28 Nov 2024 (10:10AM - 11:10AM)
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As an experienced Assistant Manager atCasio Middle East, Hamza Aoun specialize in educational business developmentand the integration of technology in learning environments. With a solidbackground in mathematics and physics education, he has successfully expandededucational product markets across several countries including Kenya, Nigeria,Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, and Bahrain. He is passionate aboutenhancing educational practices and outcomes through innovative technology,having trained over 3,000 teachers in effective technology use within theclassroom. His career is driven by a commitment toimproving how students and educators interact with educational technologies. Heexcel in strategic marketing, customer relationship management, and teamleadership, consistently achieving improved market penetration and customersatisfaction. Hamza Aoun hold a Bachelor of Science inTeaching Mathematics and Physics from the Lebanese International University. Hisprofessional development is further supported by certifications in 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗚𝗣𝗧 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗹, TPACK Frameworks for TechnologyIntegration in Education, and advanced classroom management techniques. Hisskills include educational website planning, interactive lesson development,and data-driven strategy formulation.